Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Just as good as the first time...

LifeHouse Skit

Adult Version - LifeHouse Skit

I've seen that first video so many time, had so many conversations about it, heard so many references to it. But, still it grabs a hold of my heart. It's so easy to be in absolute love with Christ, and to slowly fall in love with the ways of the world.

You make on little mistake, which leads to another slip-up or flaw, and you continue to make these faux pas until you are drowning in a pit of sin, humility, danger, and abandonment.

The amazing part is all you have to do is ask for it, and God will do the rest.

2 comment(s) from you.:

Anonymous said...

I love this makes me cry everytime...Its so powerful. Its so hard to turn away from all the temptation that we have in this world. I still struggle with putting God before everything else but this shows you it can be done, which makes it powerful..and inspiring. I"m trying to convince my church to do this skit for Pilgrimage (a Methodist youth convention). btw: good to see you Joe!! i've missed you a LOT this summer...stinks that we don't have any classes together tho..:( oh should come to the pole w/ us, we're meeting at 7 every morning. See you monday! :)

Kristina Weeks said...

i love that video. it gets at the root of what we desire and it hurts.

see you.


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