Saturday, June 21, 2008



I lift myself up to you right now God. I wish that you would grab a hold of my hands and lift me out of this pit. I know that you are the only one strong enough to put me back on solid ground. I give everything I have to you. I’m surrendering everything to you and I refuse to take any of it back. You have pulled me out of pits so many times, and you watched me step and fall right into another. I pray that this time you will have your hand on my guidance. That you will show back to that familiar path.

I don’t pray that you stop the burden that has been placed in my heart. This burden is strong, God. But, I know that it is a burden that you yourself have placed there. I know that I should use this knowledge that I have gained, and find away to make it better before it shatters. You’ve given me the tools to tighten the pipe before burst, now give me the strength to turn the wrench.

I pray that my friends, as well as I, will first seek you God, first grow in their relationship with you God. I pray that you help them do this before they begin to seek a relationship with someone else, and search for a girlfriend or a boyfriend. You have given me so much knowledge in the area of “who likes who”. But God, I know that you can see so much more. You seen the deepest parts of our hearts, and you really do know where their hearts lie. God I know your burden is much stronger.

I want for you to put a divine blessing upon c3, the youth group, and the souls that inhabit them. God, although we may not see clearly, we may not see the end of the road, but we know you do. My prayer is that we can continue down this road until you tell us it is time to exit. I pray that although we do not see the final destination of this road, you keep us on the straight and narrow until we can see it clearly. I not only want a blessing over c3 and its ministries God, but I wish that the ministries that my friends are apart of will see amazing things happen within them in the near future.

God the prayers are many and the blessings are of abundant flow. You have given us so much, but yet we always seem to find something else to ask for. Help our selfish hearts God.

Be with my family in this time of mourning. I pray that you keep them strong God, and only good will come of this. Please be with my Grandma, I plead for it. She is struggling so much. The chemo has been so hard on her God. I pray that when she gets the test to see if the chemo is helping, that they’re will be miraculous news.

I pray for all of my friends. Keep their heads high, their faith strong, and their minds set on the road ahead. I pray for your guidance in all of our life’s God. Have your hand on our relationship with one another. Allow to grow close to one another, to become a friendship that will last forever.

In your Christ name I pray,

4 comment(s) from you.:

Lorren Ellen said...

Dear Heavenly Father,
I thank you so much for Joe Father and I lift him up to you God. I pray that you grab his hands, and wrap him in your loving arms Father. I pray that you whisper your words of wisdom into his ear, and let the confusion make sense. Help his heart to know what to do in the situations he is facing, and in the ones he will face in the future. I thank you for the things he is facing because it is making him into who You have created him to be, and each thing is giving him a piece of wisdom that he will use later on in life so that he never falls into this pit again. I pray that you keep your hand on his path and you guide him in the way you have planned for him to go. Help him to always seek your face first Father. I pray that you keep him strong Father and continue to allow him to be an example for his friends and family.
I pray that you place your hand on his grandma. Take the cancer from her body Father God. I pray that you allow for a miraculous healing that will confuse the doctors and that there will be no other explanation than it was a work of God. Help her, as well as the rest of his family stay strong through this time of mourning and let them find joy in the times that they shared with him, and see hope that they will someday join him in paradise.
I pray this in your heavenly name.

Amanda said...

God knows your heart and He has heard your prayer. I'm sorry that so much has gone on lately. It's just the devil messing with us and trying to distract us from the purpose that God has created for all of us: to worship Him and spread His name across the universe. There's so much more that I want to say, so much more that I wish I could tell you. I wish I could fix things for you, but we both know that only God has the answers that you need. You're a great guy and you're going to do great things for God. He is going to use you and all of these situations that He's putting you through to truly impact the lives of others and they'll go on to impact the lives of others and it'll keep going like dominoes and it'll be WOAH! AMAZING! And it's super exciting just thinking about it. sdfjakla, you're cool. And I have faith that things are going to be OK. You know I'm praying for you. And God is awesome and powerful and I'm being repetitive and yeah. Peace, man.

Amanda said...

This made me smile as I read this. God is really shaping you Joe, it's so cool to watch. I pray that you keep growing in Him to become a Disciple for Him and that you will become restless when you are not finding something new in Him.

The first paragraph made me stop and think about how we try to stay away from the pits. I guess the best thing we can do is dive into the Bible. We get wisdom from it to help us stay away from being vulnerable from the pits. And even when life throws you into the pit, wisdom while you are in it. I suppose, in some way you think about it, the pit isn't so bad if you are thrown in there. Like the whole mountain and valley thing, you know? You feel the greatest on the mountain, but you grow the most when you are in the valley..or pit.

I'm so sorry about your family. I know that must be so hard on you. :/ It made me so sad to see you sad last night. But I'm so glad you became your regular self. (:

I pray that is our prayer with everything. That we can seek Him first in all of our decisions.

I'm so glad I have such an amazing core group of Christian friends, even if sometimes we get a little off focus. I'm praying we can grow and become Disciples for Christ, only wanting to do His will and throw off what we want.

woo! (:

Anonymous said...

Dear God,
Thank you for hearing my prayers for this young man. Protect him.


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