Monday, May 26, 2008

Match Game

Have you ever had so many emotions that you didn’t know what situation they match up to? It’s like one of those matching worksheets, which we had to do in elementary school. There are two columns, and you have to draw a line to the one it matches. But, you don’t know the answers, you get so confused. You draw the line to the wrong picture, so you have to erase. Your paper begins to get smudgy and dirty looking. You don’t want your new line to be confused with an old one, so you do it loopy so it stands out. When you finally finish you begin to grow nervous, scared that the teacher want be able to read what line matches up with what line. So you make one column letter, and the other numbers. You write in the margin of the paper, what matches up with what. After completing the grueling task you noticed you paper is not only dirtier but more confusing then before. You erase all of it and finally request another sheet of paper. But, “Sorry, I only made enough for everyone to get one”.

That’s what my mind feels like right now. I’m not sure about any of my emotions towards situations or people. Am I mad about this, or is that just anger from another situation? Relief or Sorrow? Disappointment or Understanding? Anger or Forgiveness? Happiness or Depression?

It feels like everything around me is changing. I’ve been forced to cope and accept with change that I wanted to fight so badly. It’s so incredibly hard, especially when it’s a nightmare clashing with reality. My mind is slowly beginning to spin out of control, that’s why I love bullets. :)

· All my friends are switching roles

· I don’t ever feel like my blogs are good enough.

· I’m ready for trips to the beach

o Rule One For Beach Trips: No Opinions are allowed to voiced about the trip unless asked for it or on some manner requested.

o Rule Two For Beach Trip: Every beach go-er must read rule one over and over until all their opinions vanish.

· It was a hard decision, but it had to be done. I’m happy that I did it.

· Senior year has potential of greatly sucking.

· College has potential of rocking my face off, or sucking more then senior year.

· Who wants to get up early one day this summer, and go to Kings Dominion for the day?

o I would love to stay the night at the camp ground in tents. But we would need an adult, who parents trust.

· I still have pint up emotions from previous actions, that I said we’re gone, but they we’re actually just pushed down.

o I can be picked out of 2500 but not 75

§ Whatever…

· I hate when you find someone’s true colors and it ends up being ugly blacks and grays.

o By the way, black and grey aren’t colors. Hmm

· I think I wouldn’t mind being a traveling businessmen for a few years of my life.

o Work my way up the business field, make bunches of money, put it in savings.

§ Use money for traveling the world.

· It’s hard to make a bulleted list about what your feeling, when your not sure what it is your feeling.

5 comment(s) from you.:

Amanda said...

You are a pretty amazing guy, Joe Roy. I hope and pray that God will give you peace. So, when are these beach trips going to start happening?

Kristina Weeks said...

you know,
it's cool to read your new blogs
compared to your old blogs
because your writing has changed so much.
and amanda is right.
but anyways.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe!...Wow, you're blogs are so interesting to read! Casey says to count us in for the beach trip and Kings, if theres room for us :) I"m sorry you are so confused about your emotions and are so never seemed like that at school, hmm....anyways, i pray that with summer, you are able to be more happy! :):) btw: i read a blog of yours that said that the ppl in art made u look forward to it or were talking about Freddy right?? lol..j/k. ttyl! :)

Anonymous said...

"o Rule One For Beach Trips: No Opinions are allowed to voiced about the trip unless asked for it or on some manner requested.

o Rule Two For Beach Trip: Every beach go-er must read rule one over and over until all their opinions vanish. "


Amanda said...

naw, I didn't buy one. I remember grabbing yours to try to read it all because I didn't buy one. ha. uhm, if I could borrow it that would be swell!


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