Sunday, November 25, 2007

Find this on high school career track

I want to go to college. I want to gain knowledge. I want to take the knowledge and go out into the world. I want to take that knowledge and use it to pass it on to the world. I want to go through the world spreading the word of Christ.

I’d want to swim in a swamp, risk getting bit by a snake, or eaten by an alligator, so that I can find people who have never even heard the word Jesus before. I want to tell them about the GOD who saves. I want to run through the savanna and danger getting chased by a lion, to serve GOD.

“Jesus did not say that the world should go to the church; essentially he said the church should go to the world”
-Greg Laurie

I don’t want to mission in America, not a soul in the country hasn’t heard the name Jesus spoken. But, they choose to be ignorant and disregard it and chose not to appreciate it. I want to spend my time serving people who have never had the chance to hear the lord whisper in their ear, to feel the presence of the holy ghost fill them, to fall on there knees in awe.

"I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light"
-John Keith Falconer

But I want a family. I want a wife one day. I want children. I want to have a family who serves the lord. I want a house, and a dog, maybe some fish. I want a fenced in back yard. I want a church and home. I want friends when I get older. I want a stable job.

Is it possible to have both?

7 comment(s) from you.:

Kristina Weeks said...

mk, here's an idea:

why don't you find a wife that wants to do the same thing you want to do, move to africa, and raise your kids next to a river (there's your fish) along with feeding the wild dogs of the village in which you live (there's your pet dog). then every night you can secure the chicken coop (there's your fence) from the "lions that chase you", and you can light one of those bug lamps by your bed (there's your candle) so that you can sleep in peace!

ok, sounds like a great life to me! :)

Kristina Weeks said...

nah, but in all seriousness, that's really cool. where do you plan on going?

Anonymous said...

i'm with kristina. it makes perfect her mind at least, haha!

follow your heart and God will take you down the path that you will one day find yourself in the midst of. And when that moment comes you will stop and look around and think "this is everything I ever wanted". -rockee

Anonymous said...

aha, you're right, you can't find something like that on the highschool career track, I've asked. (;

But really, I'll be praying for you. I'll pray that God shows you what He wants of your life as you live it, more vividly. Sometimes life takes unexpected turns for a reason; so that God can show you something more miraculous then you could have ever pictured for yourself.

Anonymous said...

that's for Tribal churches

that's for bible translation, etc.

maybe they will help you. to me, they're like a Christmas catalog of glorious toys that I may one recieve.

i believe you can have all those things in your post, if you follow Jesus step-by-step, and don't plan out your life on your own. i'm absolutely proud of you.

Anonymous said...

i honestly believe its possible to have just have to figure out how your gonna go about it...there is kristinas way or the ever possible mission for some amount time and then come back to america...but as strong as you are in God im positive he will point you in the right direction...=]
and just some food for thought... you are an awesome person..someone i honestly look up to!

Lorren Ellen said...

Well Kristinas way is an interesting way to go about it lol. Missions are a great way to spread the word of GOD to people that have never heard his name, and then you could still have the stable home and job back in America. As just about everyone has said, just seek GOD and He will show you what your meant to do. You are an amazing person and you are in my prayers.


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