missnancydrew09 (9:52:01 PM) : and pray a lot, of course
joeroy126 (9:53:00 PM) : i know.
joeroy126 (9:53:14 PM) : god totally had my back today.
joeroy126 (9:53:47 PM) : last night when I was sitting in her drive way. I said to myself "i wish I could talk to christal nelson"
joeroy126 (9:53:54 PM) : and she was at church today.
missnancydrew09 (9:54:08 PM) : UH-mazing
joeroy126 (9:54:14 PM) : then Krysteah and Tawny brought joy to my heart.
joeroy126 (9:54:38 PM) : tonight I was like "I wish I could have Rachel P. to talk to me, to be real with me"
joeroy126 (9:55:17 PM) : then, for w/e reason, whether you told her to or she just did it on a whim, she IMed me tonight about it.
joeroy126 (9:55:51 PM) : both scott's and pastor matt's messages were relevant to it.
joeroy126 (9:56:35 PM) : I talk to my mom about how I'm not happy anymore. It was the first thing I have ever talked to my mom about, that was serious.
joeroy126 (9:57:54 PM) : he gave me the oppurtunity to sit next to the Jaquays and cory this morning. He gave me the oppurtunity to help with TechTeam tonight. He kept my mind off of it.
joeroy126 (9:58:10 PM) : he had my back.
missnancydrew09 (9:58:49 PM) : that is amazing
missnancydrew09 (9:58:51 PM) : like seriously
missnancydrew09 (9:58:56 PM) : beyond conceivable
missnancydrew09 (10:00:01 PM) : i have been thinking about you to God so it's cool to see how he answers the stuff that's important to us
joeroy126 (10:00:17 PM) : leave it to god to be amazing, and beyond conceivable
((add in)) How could I have forgotten! The figs! The marvelous figs! Little Fig, made me laugh about the situation, he is cool. Other two fig dudes, took my mind off of it. Momma and Mr. Fig all of the above and support. They brought me comfort. They are great. ((end add in))
today was good.
god's got my back.
I'm ready to be happy again.
it will come.
//:: Revolution come fast.
Rachel Partridge get here soon!
Revolution and Rachel, Bring the joy thats was instored in me over the summer back, please.

((add in)) How could I have forgotten! The figs! The marvelous figs! Little Fig, made me laugh about the situation, he is cool. Other two fig dudes, took my mind off of it. Momma and Mr. Fig all of the above and support. They brought me comfort. They are great. ((end add in))
today was good.
god's got my back.
I'm ready to be happy again.
it will come.
//:: Revolution come fast.
Rachel Partridge get here soon!
Revolution and Rachel, Bring the joy thats was instored in me over the summer back, please.
Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together. ~Author Unknown
When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us. ~Alexander Graham Bell
When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us. ~Alexander Graham Bell
7 comment(s) from you.:
And if all else fails, we can run off to the Zaxby's parking lot and conspire fake evil plans together.
I'm glad that you're getting through this in a positive way.
LOL to what amanda said.
I was kidding about the top part, btw... Amanda.
i can't wait for this weekend. 3 DAYS!!! (cuz you don't count today and you don't count the day of!) God will always have your back...just sometimes we don't see the impact until afterwards. Hang in there, there's no way I'm gonna let you fall if I can help it, and God will NEVER let go.
yeah, I figured that, lol.
God has every person's back. But it's more than that, I'm reminded time and time again that we can't put God in a box, especially when it comes to our comfort when we need it...maybe we are put through things to grow and learn from them, not just for God to always comfort us when the going is tough.
lol, I hope that made sense.
play nice
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